Friday, September 28, 2007

Family From Florida For The Weekend

so last night my family from West Palm Beach came over for the weekend. we are all crashing @ my mother's house for the weekend & Rodney {older brother} is staying over @ my house. we were going to split everyone between both houeses but there really is no room for that many people to crash. I have a queen size I said "I have a queen size bed", that means I am not giving up my bed for no one {only my parents}, Lala has a twin & my Dad brought me an airbed a few years ago. so as you can read, no room @ my place. it's nice though cause it's all females in one spot for the weekend just bonding.

I had to be @ work today so I can't taken them around the city until tomorrow. but my cousin Kelia is smart & I have given her directions to the tee as to how to get around and which corners to turn. told her to call me @ work as many times as she has to if she needs to ask me anything. tonight they will be dining @ Sylvia's in Harlem {smart ass Bill O'Reilly-he needs to have his mouth washed out w/'ll understand if you went to Catholic School like his dumb ass}. after that it's whatever but not for me & Lala, as I have said before my Pooka has Communion class on Saturdays from 10:00-11:30 am & she is a pain to wake-up in the morning if she didn't get enough sleep.

I am working on what we should do tomorrow afternoon but that is entirely up to them. i know that they are going to see The Color Purple @ 8 pm & Lala & I will be @ the movie watching "The Game Plan". After that I have no idea..maybe dinner. I'll have to search the net on what tourist should do while in NYC, the City that never sleeps.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Autumn Is Coming

Call me crazy but my two {2} favorite seasons are Spring & Fall.
Spring, the leaves are starting to come in & the air is nice & crisp. Good times to enjoy a day in the park or just hang around the City of New York. Except for the showers, that just puts a damper on your whole day. Feel bad for the people of Seattle, my brother used to want to live there & I always told him that I would never visit him. HATE carrying an umbrella but I like buying nice ones {told u I was crazy}.

Fall is beautiful, the leaves start to change colors & the ground looks so pretty with a ray of colors from the leaves {Thank God I don't own a home, cause I would have to rake everyday}. Love the weather cause it's not too cold nor too hot, as long as I have my jacket, scarf & leather gloves then all is good for a day in the street. Also, cannot forget apple & pumpkin picking-fun things to do with your kids.

Plan on taking Lala to a farm in Queens where you can go apple picking in early to mid October & pumpkin the week of Halloween till I believe mid November.

Pics. of Family & Friends from DR

Monday, September 17, 2007

Communion Class

Lala started Communion classes on Saturday, which means that she is getting old & I need to have another child because neither one of us are getting any yonger.
Classes are from 10:00-11:30 am, of course my child had to be the one to start her shit early in the morning. This was our conversation:

Me: Lala, hurry up & get dressed we have to be there @ 10:00.

Lala: Why? I'm not going, I want to stay home & watch cartoons.

Me: Yes, you are. And you're going because Abuelita said you have to go, if it was up to me you can stay home for all I care.

Lala: I don't want to go & Abuelita is not here, she's in Santo Domingo, don't tell her.

Me: Impossible. She will know that you didn't go to Communion class.

Lala: How? Like I said she don't live here. She is in Santo Domingo.

Me: Look, I know where my mother is.
Communion is like Kindergarden, you go to class & when you finish you graduate, except with Communion it's in a church & you have to wear a white dress like I did. Remember my picture in Abuelita's house?

Lala: Yea, then I want a crown because Daddy said I am a princess.

Me: Fine, whateva..don't care cause I'm not the one buying the dress or the crown. Call your Grandmother & tell her you want a crown with the dress for Communion.

As we are walking to the church, Lala has a serious face & starts to cry.

Me: Why are you crying? There is no need to cry, I didn't whoop your ass so stop crying.

Lala: I don't want to go, I want to go home.

Me: You are starting to piss me off & it's only 9:54 in the morning. Look, if you don't like the class today then you call your Grandmother & tell her that you don't want to go. You always say you don't want to go somewhere & then you end up not wanting to leave or wanting to go back.

Lala: Ooh no. I don't want to go, I want to watch TV or go to sleep.

Me: Whateva. This conversation is over. You are going to Communion class & then we will talk later. Wipe your face & stop crying all the time. You are not a baby.

Lala: I'm not crying & I'm not a baby. I am 8 yrs. old.

Me: You don't act like it.

We finally get to the church & I noticed that some of the parents are still hanging around, so I asked the janitor if it's alright for the parents to stay. He said that they don't have a problem with the parents sticking around. So I just sat in the back of the auditorium listening to everything that my child was learning.
It felt weird cause all I kept thinking about was being in Catholic School in the 3rd grade & learning the same stuff. And to see my child taking this class was so surreal.
After class was over, the priest came over to introduce himself to us & spoke to us about what to expect for the coming year. This is the conversation while on our way home.

Lala: I had fun. I learned about God & Jesus & I already know all my prayers. When is Communion? I want my crown.

Me: It doesn't work that way kid, you have to go every Saturday until May. Then there is another year of the same thing. You have to go to church on Sunday mornings.

Lala: Ok, fine. I like my teacher & my new friend. What's her name?

Me: That's nice, I thought you said you didn't want to go & I have no idea what your friend's name is. You need to ask her next week.

Lala: I am going to call Abuelita when we get home, right now I am going to play in the park, ok.

Me: Yea, sure. Whateva..make it quick cause we have to go shopping.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lala's 1st Day Back To School

Lala finally went back to school & once again there are more boys then girls in the class. This year, only 5 girls {including Lala} in the class & the lucky thing is that 2 out of the 4 girls were already her friends from last year. As for the boys in her class, most of them were in her class last year or she knew them from afterschool.

She likes her new teacher & is super excited about being in 2nd grade. As for her afterschool program, she is so happy. She likes her new teachers & her friends from afterschool. I hope that this year is going to be just as good as last year maybe even better. I am so glad that Vincent transferred Lala to the school by his house. It's such a better choice & the environment is so different from the one she used to attend in Brooklyn. And I love the fact that she is only 15 mins. away from NYU, it makes taking her to school & picking her up so much easier for me. I especially love the afterschool program, this Thursday & Friday there is no school due to the Jewish holiday but her afterschool is available from 8:00-5:30. All I have to do is pay $25.00 for each day she attends O.S.T.
The O.S.T. program is great when there are no classes, the kids have lots of fun. They take them on trips {movies, the pool, Chucky E. Cheese} & they even have a carnival during their Easter Break.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thank You Jesus I am Back

Sorry I was not able to share my adventures in DR. It will be explained in a minute though. I was excited the day I got to DR, my Pooka & Mommy went to the airport & I can't believe how in 2 months my daughter had grown so much..

I feel kinda of bad saying that I am happy to back in NYC, especially since I never want to come back because I am having the time of my life in DR. But this time, things were really different. I ended up having a fever of 103.2, counldn't eat for four days & all I did was lay in bed for those days. On top of having a fever, it rained damn near the whole time & when it wasn't raining, the sun was shining like hell. You try having a fever & it's 90 degrees outside--makes you crazy.

I did manage to have some kind of fun before I got sick & took lots of pictures of my family & friends. I just need to upload them onto Shutterfly & Kodak Gallery. It is going to be expensive printing the pictures because I have to send copies to everyone that I have photographed. They are all waiting for their pictures, what they need is a computer so that I can email them. But it's cool....