Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Miss My Pooka

so I am finally admitting that the summer officially sucks w/out my other half. i miss her coming up too me & asking "mommy what you doing" or "i'm hungry, can i have _______" or my favorite, just coming up to me & giving me hugs & lots of sugar {kisses}.

i do miss her & wish she were here but in reality, she deserves to be out there having fun & running around w/her cousins & friends. she can enjoy the her pool, the river/beach whenever, part take in all the fashion shows & dance shows that come up during the summer & enjoy the 2 week festival @ the end of August. she has more freedom to run around, continue to improve her Spanish, spend quality time w/her Abuelita {Grandmother} & hang out w/her family that she only gets to see once a year.

she is truly bless to have such a wonderful family that looks forward to her arrival every summer and i pray that she takes in every moment that she spends w/everyone & truly understand the meaning of love, respect, family & where one truly comes from--weather we have more than they do/not & too never think that we are better than anyone when it comes to material things. i pray that she understands the gift of giving to those less fortunate because she can be selfish @ times though she knows that it's a sin.

God bless her & may she continue to enjoy her summer. i shall be joining my Pooka in the beginning of September {God willing}. may everyone have a blessed & enjoyable summer.

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