i hope that everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving Day with the ones they love. i know i did!!!
as you may remember, i mentioned that my godsister & her kids moved to Delaware over the summer. so she invited me, mommy, lala, her mother & sister to spend the weekend out there & to check out Dover, DE. we had a lot of fun but then again anytime we are together, it's always fun. Lala missed the kids so much that when we got in @ 2:30 am, they were up till 5 talking & hanging out in the living room. we didn't get to sleep till 6 am talking and preparing all the food.
the next day, the kids went to the park & we headed to Wally World {Wal-Mart}. NYC needs one & badly, of course i had to buy a few things. Thanksgiving Day was awesome, dinner was fulfilling & everyone was happy. later that night, we headed to the Casino's for a bit of gambling, drinking & sightseeing. we returned home @ 3 am then stood up watching a movie till 6am.
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