I know that I've been a bad girl & haven't written in such a long time. No real reason except that I have been busy with school, tending to Lala {who thinks she's grown}, mommy's still in town, Rodney {older brother} just got laid off & just recently got a new job and of course, the everyday thing that happens to each and everyone of us.....LIFE.
School, my Professor almost made me cry three classes ago. She felt that all I do is rant, in class & in my writing assignment's. She also didn't seem to be to excited that I had already read "Of Mice & Men" for the fifth time & hadn't learned anything new from reading it yet again. Sorry but after reading the books more than three times & having discussions in class, there is anything new to learn if it's already been discussed & you've written papers on the book.
Mommy, love the woman to pieces, even to death but she has got to go back to DR. I am planning on buying her ticket after I come back from DR in January. I understand that she wants me to spend plenty of time @ her house with Lala, but I do have a life that I need to continue to live. Will miss her dearly when she leaves though but lets be honest here, she doesn't want to be here anymore than I want her to stay. I am glad that her knee replacement surgery went well, now she'll be able to stay in DR without having to worry about anything serious. All she needs to do is come for an annual check-up or if she feels that something is wrong. She is getting her last physical exams & prescription meds together so that she doesn't have to come back for awhile.
Over the summer, Vivian {my God sister} & the kids moved to Delaware :-(She had reasons to move out there, I wish her & the kids the best out there & they know that they are missed greatly over here. It's strange, we've been together since we were four--pre K, Kinder, Catholic School {1st-6th grade}, different JHS, HS, & Colleges but in the same borough of New York. It was hard @ first, not being able to just jump on a train to go to her house & chill for the weekend. Lala misses them all, especially Sully {my Goddaughter}, their is a 6 year difference but they love each other's company. We will be visiting them for Thanksgiving, so Delaware here we come.
As for me, I am working things out with my long distance boyfriend in DR, staying focus in school, saving money, thinking of changing jobs but staying @ the University, thinking on relocating to Florida or maybe even Delaware {Vivian says I'll love it out there} and most importantly, reevaluating my friendship with certain people. Only time will tell what will happen, but I promise to keep you posted.
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