Didn't go to work yesterday because I was so tired from my long bus ride from Worcester, Ma. stood home & rested most of the day..thought about calling Lala but I didn't have a calling card & I couldn't call her direct on my cell becaus
e it's expensive..had a feeling that something was up with her because she was on my mind all day.
Yesterday, I brought a calling card & called my Pooka to see how she was doing and believe it or not she was sick since Sunday night. Mind you I spoke to her on Sunday mid-afternoon and she was telling me that she had all her stuff out & was ready to go to her cousin's birthday party @ 4pm.
My mother said that she took a nap before the party and didn't look well, of course my child says that she is fine & takes a bath & starts getting ready for the party. Midway thru the party, my Aunt had to bring her home because Nasifa was not feeling well, had thrown-up and had a fever. It just got worst after that so Mommy took her to the local clinic & they gave her an injection, my mother & I are not a fan of the local clinic {can we say ghetto in the worst way} so Mommy called her sister who called her grandson & he drove my mother & daughter 45 mins. to the other town to the hospital. My Aunt called her sister who is friends with a Pediatrician @ the hospital & informed her of what was happening. My daughter got special treatment--didn't have to wait or fill out forms {God Bless the Doctor} the doctor was awaiting her when they got there..
They spent the remaining day @ the hospital because her fever wouldn't break & then they were running some tests on her because of some kind of virus called a Dengue {similar to malaria}.
Thank God that my daughter is up to date with all vaccaination shots & she had another one before she left. Since my Pooka is doing well & acting her usual self{hyperactive} we know that she is doing well, all she had was a stomach virus & she has to take her mediciation for the next 8 days.
I asked Lala if she wanted to come home now, that I would change her ticket & she said "no" that she was feeling a lot better & that she had a fashion show on Saturday. She said that she will wait for me to pick her up in August. What a little lady she is :-)
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