I am hoping that everyone has had a wonderful holiday with their loved ones. I know that Lala & I have enjoyed these holidays {since Thanksgiving} with my Godmother, Godsister & their family. Spending the holidays with them has been lots of fun, full of laughter, smiles, & the best of all unforgettable. Thank you is just not enough for everything {now I'm crying} these words just seem so simple for such a grand moment. They will never know how much I appreciate the love & welcome that they have show me & Lala.
Today we will end the New Year together & with a bang. Eating, drinking, laughing & remember the good old days. Of course, I'll be taking lots of pictures & we'll be outside with the firecrackers....yes, Vivian & I know that they are illegal :-)
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL..............................
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year's Everyone
Siempre Moe at 12/31/2007 02:44:00 PM 0 comentarios
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Toys for Tots
Sundays is church day because Lala has to be in attendance as part of her Communion class. Just like college, attendance is a huge part of your grade & I refused to have this girl fail & make me have to go through this another year. Especially since Communion class is a 2 year program.
But anyway, the point of this blog. Sunday we went to mass especially since her teacher, Nancy stessed the on Saturday that she had to attend on Sunday. So Sunday ugly morning, due to the sleet from the early hours of the morning we headed down to church; walking on the street due to the ice on the sidewalk. Mass was actually full of people & kids more than usual. I was being rude {forgive me Jesus}, was texting Vivian {Godsister} about our Christmas Eve plans. Lord knows I am sorry but I had to speak to her about Christmas Eve & Day plans. With Vivian you have to catch her when you catch her because if not, you'll be trying for a full days.
Again, back to the story... so after church the Father Freddy asked all the parents to please escort there kids to the basement & that their was a surprise waiting for all the kids that are 12 & younger. Everyone got on line to be escorted into a room filled with breakfast, gifts, the Marines & Santa Claus. I've always heard about Toys for Tots but never been to one of their events. All the kids were excited to see Santa & enjoy breakfast; seeing all the toys was liking walking into Toys R'Us. No cheap toys, all the toys that are in style & know the kids will love, all the kids were to pick out 3 toys of their choice.
The Marines were cool, they were passing out the gifts to the kids & telling them about what they & asking the kids what they wanted to be when they grow up & if they were naughty or nice this year. The kids also took pictures with Santa & the Marines. Lala got a diary, 3 Barbie's and a game trivia {her teacher gave her this one}. She was happy with the gifts, she even gave one her Barbie's to her cousin because she already has it.
I love my daughter for that, for thinking of someone other then herself. She knew she had the Barbie but she still took it, said thank you & told me to give it to Jita {her cousin} because she already one.
All in all, it was a nice day even though you know some people were ghetto & trying to go back in & get more toys for their families & friends. But the Marines aren't stupid, they took your ticket & stamped your hand once you were done. You also got escorted to the door, by means of helping your kids with their gifts. Nice touch.
Thank you Toys for Tots & the Marines for all the hard work & the smiles you bring to people on Christmas. Will have pictures after Christmas is over, since Lala asked me to wrapped them even though she knows what she got.
Siempre Moe at 12/18/2007 02:14:00 PM 0 comentarios
Labels: Toys for Tots
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
New Cell Phone
so yesterday I got my new cell phone from T-Mobile, it's the Sidekick LX & it's in navy blue.
so far it looks cool & I like it, the real test come after a few weeks & we'll really see how well it works. Vincent got me the Blackberry Pearl & I hated it. you can name every problem & I had it with that damn phone. not a month went by that I was not on the phone with T-Mobile & telling them how much I hate their phone. about 2 months ago, they sent out an email informing all the Blackberry users that they have upgraded their software & that they have fixed all the problems that users were having with the phone.
we uploaded the new software & thank God my phone was fixed. after that I didn't have any problems, but I hated the phone so much that Vincent felt bad & got me the Sidekick LX. so far, I still hate T-Mobile & as for the new phone....only time will tell. i still have problems with the damn Blackberry because not all the numbers were able to save onto the SIM Card so I couldn't import half of the numbers & information. so last night I was up till after midnight entering information. I have to call T-Mobile again & see what we can do about getting all the pictures off the device memory from the Blackberry & onto the Sidekick.
anyway, that is my drama for now on my cell phone.
Missy Mey, I believe I will look into a mini tree for Lala's room. Muchas gracias for the idea..
Siempre Moe at 12/11/2007 08:59:00 AM 0 comentarios
Monday, December 10, 2007
Where Is The Tree?
so my daughter has been asking this question for quite sometime & my response has been the same & will be the same for awhile. "we don't need a tree cause we will be spending the holidays in DR with Abuelita." I refuse to buy a tree for one year when I have officially decided that we will spend the holidays with Mommy in DR, or in Worcester w/Mister {Dad}, or with my Godmother/Godsister.
I do decorate the door and put up lights around the window & decorate a corner in which the gifts will go but I will not buy a tree. my mother says that I am just lazy...I am a huge fan of putting the tree up & decorating but I have always hated taken it down & then having to put everything in its place. Lala has opted for a "real tree" {pine trees} but I cannot stand the smell of pine. It makes my nose itch & really not in the mood to be sneezing while @ home trying to relax.
So I have started buying gifts & hope to be done with all the shopping by the 22nd. I always start shopping early cause their is just not enough hours in a day to do everything. Especially if you have to be running around the City with an 8 year old. Always wanting to eat, go to the bathroom, touching, bringing things up too you to buy & let's not get into taking her into Toys' R Us. Last night, I told Vincent {her father} that he needs to go & buy her gifts without me cause I really didn't want to step into that store after hours. So he is going early on Friday morning to shop then take the gifts to my house & hide them under the bed. Once she's asleep, I'll be able to wrap them & this year most of her gifts are going to be under the name "Lisa". Reason being is that when she sees her name on a gift, she stays near the gifts & starts shaking, guessing, & begging to open. Not in the mood.
So next year, I hope to be spending the holidays in DR again. Parties are non-stop for a whole week day & night. A Christmas Eve dinner is crazy because last year I was invited to so many houses that I felt bad just spending 30 mins. in each house. I told Mommy that we should have Christmas dinner @ her house & invite the family over. She looked @ me like I had 10 heads, not my fault that she has 12 brothers & sisters & they have family. We will cross our fingers & pray that she changes her mind. I think we should do it @ my Grandmother's house but we will have to see.
As for the tree, I will be buying one this year but it's not for me. It's to ship to DR for my mother's house. For now, Lala will have to enjoy the tree @ Rockefeller Center & @ my Godmother's & Godsister's house since we will be spending the Christmas & my Godmother's & New Year's @ my Godsister's.
Siempre Moe at 12/10/2007 11:47:00 AM 1 comentarios
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
What to Write, What to Write
Work has been busing due to our 12/1 deadline. of course half the people started their application as early as October but of course, everyone likes waiting for the last minute.
and to expect the unexpected, the payment system & the online application system crashed. everyone had trouble submitting their applications & paying their fees.
has they submitted their shit in in time, we would not have had 400 emails from over the weekend informing us on something that we found out on Monday morning. let's not forget the phone calls with all the panics & attitudes.
they will be alright & their is nothing that i can do to help them. the associate director & the administrative coordinator got back to all the emails yesterday. they had to inform everyone what they can do-hopefully they got the response they wanted.
CHRISTMAS IS COMING & i have to finish my shopping & soon. i have to mail my brother & my niece their gifts, almost done with Lala's gift, still don't know what to get Rodney {older brother} & my parents aren't in the country so their gift will be put on hold till they arrive back in the states. since my parents are in DR, they don't celebrate Christmas instead they celebrate the 3 Kings; which is on the 6th of Jan. i will ship their gifts out sometime in January even if it's after the date.
since my parents are out of the country {don't think i spend it alone}, i have spent Thanksgiving with my Godmother's family. they are my second family..my Godsister & i have been together since Pre-K also the longest friendship. thanksgiving @ my godsister's was a hoot & we plan on celebrating Christmas & New Year's together. Vivian {godsister} loves to remind me that since i am alone & have no family that Lala & i should not be alone. the funny thing is the way she says it...you would think that she was being a bitch & rude but actually she isn't. she just doesn't know how to rephrase it, so now it has become a joke between us when she reminds me about being alone during the holidays. love the girl to pieces.
i am doing plenty of overtime this month & next cause having a little extra cash is never a bad thing. Saturday I came in for 3 hours & for the reminder of the week, I will do an hour extra & then another 3 hrs. on Sunday.
Siempre Moe at 12/04/2007 01:28:00 PM 0 comentarios
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
now everyone knows that i love my job & that i have always wanted to work @ NYU for quite sometime. something about working in a university setting & all the perks that come with being there is just wonderful. don't get me wrong, i loved what i did @ SEO & wish that i could continue doing that. some of the people there were really worth knowing & working alongside of & others-well we all know how i feel about them cause i have always expressed it on a daily basis; especially with the nicknames :-)
another thing about me that one cannot deny, is that i am a hard worker & when i am given a task it is done to the fullest. & of course, everyone knows that i hate slackers...hate them, can't stand them & they make me sick cause not only are you pissing me off but mostly cause i have to do their damn work. one thing i hate the most about a job is doing someone else's work & not getting paid for it. shit, if you don't want to do your job then quit @ least you won't be in my damn way.
another thing about me {not to brag}, is that i know how to multi-task & get my shit done before i leave to pick up Lala from afterschool. i can watch tv, talk on the phone with my parents/family/friends, surf the net, & talk shit in the office. but come the end of the day, NO ONE can DENY that my work is done by 5...even if not all of it is done but half of it will got done before i walk out the door.
here i am now in the same situation, i guess their are slackers everywhere you go in life. you got people up in here doing everything but they damn job. of course @ the last hour they rushing to get their job done & then that screws me over cause i need your shit to enter into the system. so now you holding my black ass up & that shit just won't fly.
of course i will nip shit in the bud, but when you have certain people that you can't say shit to cause once you say something to them they take it personally & want to act Lala's age {8} & not speak to me for a few weeks.
does me no harm cause like i said, i multi task by doing my work, on the phone, surfing the net & watching online television.
now take that for petty......
Siempre Moe at 11/20/2007 04:09:00 PM 1 comentarios
Labels: petty
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My Papa
today my Papa left to Dominican Republic & I am going to miss him. Sucks because both my parents are out of the country & I am left here w/Lala alone. Let me not be dramatic, I do have family here but it's not the same as your parents being here & for some reason some people just can't seem to understand that. but whatever, I am alone w/no parents in the country.
last night, I was on the phone w/my Dad wishing him well & letting him know that I hope he has a safe flight. didn't realize that I forgot to tell Lala on Monday that he was leaving for a little while. Anyway, I look down & notice that Lala is crying so I ask her what is wrong & she's balling saying "why is Papa leaving, I don't want him to leave-make him stay" literally brought tears to my eyes. Lala is really close to my parents so whenever they leave for a long period of time, she's an emotional wreak strange cause she doesn't do this for me. but it's cool & I am glad that she has that bond w/her grandparents.
my Dad & Stepmom had to speak to her to calm her down. it took 15 mins. before she could pull herself together. poor child is already wanting my mother to come back & now that my father is leaving she is going to be depressed & calling both of them to hurry up & come back home. she's already questioning my mother as to when she's coming back & mommy has told her that she won't be coming back till next year due to Hurrican Noel & the mess that was left behind. had to sit Lala down & explain to her what's up & why it's taking Mama so long to come back.
hope they come back soon cause I want my parents..
sucks to not have both of them especially during the holidays
but hey...i'll be alright
Siempre Moe at 11/14/2007 02:29:00 PM 0 comentarios
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Finally I Am Home
boy, did I miss my home...I never seem to appreciate my home till I am away for some time. just having the time to myself & knowing that Lala is enjoying herself in her room. either singing, dancing, reading or learning on her Leaf Frog laptop. I actually sat in my living room just admiring the room, call me crazy but I just had to take a moment.
so yesterday, was my 31st birthday & their was no school either. Lala & I enjoyed a day @ home. we watched Harry Potter 1-3 {need the last film}, took a nap, and managed to catch up on some of my stories. miss my daytime soaps only have enough time to watch my spanish soaps in the evening.
my baby brother was the first to wish me a happy b-day, then my phone just kept going off after that. got texts, emails & phone calls from the people that love & care about me. some people wanted to know why I didn't do anything: hello it was a Tuesday, not much to do on a weekday & it was ugly in the morning with all the rain. besides, I wanted to spend it @ home hanging out & letting Lala sleep for as long as she wanted too. she wakes up early every morning any damn way. all in all, I had a wonderful day yesterday, thanks to those who remember my birthday & my daughter who is pure comedy.
she was upset because I didn't tell her it was my birthday, she found out from my step-mother.
L: why didn't you tell me it was your birthday. happy birthday mommy.
M: thanks & it's not important
L: oh yeah, you should have told me
L: cause it's your birthday, it's important & special. you get presents
M: ok. I'll tell you next time
L: I am going to make you something
she did..she found the construction paper, markers & the scissors.made me a card with a heart in it.. I had her post it on the fridge.
Siempre Moe at 11/07/2007 11:05:00 AM 1 comentarios
Monday, October 29, 2007
Abuela, Abuela, Abuela
i tell you, living with this lady is a new experience everyday. since Lala & i have been staying with her, i have decided to get to know her a little better. i've been asking her questions about her youth, when she met my father's father {will explain as to why i don't say grandpa later}, how she ended up with her friend's man, her second marriage, her daughters & my dad & his sister that she left behind because she was unable to support them & their father dumping them on his sister & her husband.
my life as well as my family's life is a soap opera in its self. you may thinking i am being dramatic but if you read what i wrote above you will see that it's not & the sad part is that that is only the half of it. i haven't even mentioned the drama that is going on with my mother's side of the family in DR. everyone is fighting over my aunt's will & everyone wants to sell the properties that she has so that they can get the money. certain people shouldn't get shit cause they don't deserve it, what they do deserve is for my aunt to appear to them in their dream & whoop their ass. but that's my opinion as mommy says.
anyway back to my grandmother, love her to pieces but i have to wonder about the choices that she's made in life. i asked her this morning about why she never went back to get her 1st 2 kids from jackass. all she said was that time was really rough & that jackass said that if she didn't want to be with him then he didn't need to give her & her kids any money for support. so she left him as well as my dad, as for my father's sister-well she said she say him on day on the streets & cursed him out & he told her that if she wanted support for him she had to take him to court, she did & the judge gave him custody of their daughter. which in turn he sent his daughter to his sister's house for awhile & then to his aunt's to live permantly.
it sucks being in the middle of the drama knowing how everyone really feels about the next person & not being able to say/do anything. not my place to say anything & i learn that the hard way. i told my dad something that his sister said not thinking that i would get the reaction i got & left with the impression that that was the biggest mistake i had made. so for that reason alone i have decided to mind my business & just keep everyone's conversations to myself until i feel the time is right.
now as to my i will never call that jackass my grandfather. this moran used to live with us {mother, father, myself & older brother} back in the day. from the stories i have heard i was a bit of a pain in the ass bacause i would never stop crying & it drove him crazy {i was a few months old for Christ sake} anyway, one summer {1991} my dad took me & my brothers to DR for the summer. we went to jackass's house to meet the family because it had been some time since they last saw us. do you know that this moran had the nerve to say that he didn't know my dad had a daughter right in front of me {bastard}. the hurt was just all over my face & my dad just looked @ me like "it's going to be alright" then jackass wanted us to give him the blessing {spanish thing}. told him hell no & my dad was like "maureen" i just said hello & kept in moving.
the second encounter was about 3 yrs. my grandmother had passed away. so me, mommy & lala flew to DR for the services; my dad happended to be in DR @ the same time & wanted us to come visit for the weekend. so lala & i did, once again my dad took us to his father's house {this shit is funny} & he just looked @ us & asked my step-mother if i was her daughter. can u believe this son-of-a-bitch, my step-mother told him to look @ me real carefully & asked him to think. his answer, she must be your niece cause i have never seen her before. my dad just looked me cause i was laughing @ how stupid he was going to look once i told him. i told him no that his son was my father & that the little girl was my daughter. this bastard had the nerve to start saying "oh my god, i have a great-granddaughter..i never thought i would have seen the day." told him that he probably wouldn't because she is not his great-granddaughter, how can she be when you didn't even know you had a granddaughter. whatever..it's been a year since he passed i can't mourn/miss someone i never knew
Siempre Moe at 10/29/2007 11:26:00 AM 0 comentarios
Labels: Abuela
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Staying @ My Grandmother's
is starting to become really interesting really quickly..she has issues more then before but you just got to love her to pieces. monday night was the first night that we stayed over...first, I picked up Lala after work, then went home to shower, change, finish the load that was in the machine and then get my apartment in order {clothes were all over the hallway, due to laundry being done} and of course make sure Lala gets her room in order & pack her clothes for the next day. I was running around the house like a mad woman..finally, everything that needed to be done got done {except for the laundry} we left, jumped on the train to Abuela's house. when we get there she had the nerve to argue with me:
A:where were you? you were supposed to be here earlier. I could have died.
M: I was home & I told you that I was coming a little late because I had to stop by my house & do some things and you weren't going to die so stop it
A: I thought you said you were going to take care of me
M: I am, you see me here don't you. you better behave or I am calling your son {my dad-her son}
A: call him, he can't do anything to me. I'll beat you & your your father ass.
M: whatever, I'm calling my mother
A: call whoever you want, I'll whoop all of ya
after awhile, Lala has my grandmother watching Prison Break & explaining to her what happended before so she can understand why people are speaking spanish on Channel 5. It was the cutest thing cause my child actually knows what she's talking about. yes, I allow my child to watch Prison Break-I saw Scarface as a kid, with my dad when it on HBO. some people might not agree but whatever, we both enjoy the show. my grandmother fell asleep once it ended & we were still up watching television. I couldn't sleep @ all, with people calling me, IMing me, and me worried about my grandmother's health. I tossed & turned all night I finally got to sleep @ 5 in the morning. felt like shit in the morning & it showed which sucks.
Siempre Moe at 10/24/2007 02:39:00 PM 1 comentarios
Labels: Abuela
Thursday, October 18, 2007
my Grandmother has been in the hospital since last week & she is ready to go home. Her social worker @ the hospital is trying to get her a home attendant that will be able to stay with her longer hours because she lives @ home alone. she has a weak heart & has been admitted to the hospital 4 times so far, each incident has happended around 10 pm or midnight. therefore, she needs someone who will be able to be there for her in case she has another bad night & can't breath. I have already spoke to her doctor & have told them that she needs an oxygen tank @ home but he's an ass & looks @ me like I don't know anything & I shouldn't be telling him about his job. what this asshole seems to not realize is that she is my grandmother.
my grandmother has been lucky because in each incident, someone was there with her @ home but my aunt & i are worried when no one can stay with her. my uncle is in town from DR but he is leaving town on monday & his wife won't be in ny for another two weeks. so lala & I will be staying with Abuela till my aunt comes to take care of her mother.
i haven't lived with my grandmother in years...so it will be interesting to see how things are once I stay there. I used to spend the whole summer over there & my father never understood why & to tell the truth neither have I. it's not like I was able to hang out or do whatever I wanted while I was over there. i was always in the house & only went out when my aunt's took me out to run errands, my grandmother never bothered me so I was always in the room reading, listening to music or watching television. what I do remember is always waiting for weekends, my aunt always went out on the weekends with her friends/boyfriend. watching her get ready for her nights were my highlights...I used to always say "when I am her age, I am going out & having fun like her". she would tell me where she was going, who she was meeting up with, what their plans were and I would dressed up while she was getting ready. putting on her jewerly & sometimes she put make-up on me..not a lot cause my grandmother would get pissed.
but my aunt has her own place now & has 2 daughters, so it's just gonna be me, Abuela & Lala..this should be interesting. I shall keep you posted on the madhouse....
my relationship with my grandmother is an interesting one, if you didn't know about the way we interact with one another you would think that she is a rude old lady & I was just mean to old folks. but she stays trying to play me & dis me, so I dish it all right back to her. my mother says that we have no respect for one another {she laughs when she says this to us} & my father thinks that we have a strange relationship but it works & i love her to pieces.
this was the conversation the night before in the hospital:
Me: Bendicion {Spanish Blessing ritual}
Abeula: Dios me la bendiga
Me: how u feel?
A: i am tired & want to go home
M: you can't go home yet cause they didn't kick you out yet. they are trying to extend your home attendants time, so you can have someone over in the night time as well. you can't be alone
A: send me to a nursing home then, I won't be alone
M: didn't I tell you to go before & you said no, now you want to go-what for? you need a man?
A: yeah, I need a man & so do you. I thought you were going to give me a great-grandson? you take to long
M: unless you are going to support us then I will have another kid and no, you are not going to a nursing home
A: give me two days in the home & then I'll die in peace
M: here we go again, you are not going to die cause now is not a good time
A: who are you? cause when I am ready I am out
M: you can't die now cause I'm busy {my cousin is laughing}, now really isn't a good time, I don't have a black suit/dress for the occasion, my birthday is next month
A: Happy Birthday then
M: not funny old lady, besides Christmas is coming & if you die you are going to ruin it for your first great-granddaughter. what kind of great-grandmother does that?
A: she'll be to busy opening presents to remember me anyway, two days in a home & I am gone
M: whatever, you probably meet a man & then want to stick around..did you put my name on the insurance, cause you can't leave me broke.
A: then put me in a home so I can find a few men.
Siempre Moe at 10/18/2007 10:52:00 AM 0 comentarios
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Pumpkin Picking on Columbus' Birthday
So like Monday was a holiday & Lala has no school but I had to work. I dropped her off @ school & ask Leslie (afterschool teacher) where are they taking them today. She tells me that they are going pumpkin picking & that the parents are more then welcome to join so I decided to pay the $10.00 & play hooky from work-I mean hey, my Pooka wanted me to go & I wanted to go as well.. Haven't been done this in awhile.Getting on the bus brought back memories from my youth. From all the noise, to kids sitting up from their seats yelling over others head, to the sing along songs, laughter of jokes & even kids getting sick, hungry & having to pee & of course the long ass ride. As soon as we got there all the kids went running to the port-a-potty after that it was off to get wristbands then onto the hayrides to pick out pumpkins. The hayride was nice & scenic but my ass needed a massage as soon as we were done. We got to see a pig & goat race, had lunch, ate Kettle Korn, went into the hunted house, the kids got to paint their pumpkins & then the kids played in the park till it was time to go. All in all, it was a nice day & I would do it again because the look of thanks on Lala's was priceless & it was the first trip I had attended since she's been there.
pics. will be available @ a later date..will keep you posted.
Siempre Moe at 10/10/2007 12:10:00 PM 0 comentarios
Labels: pumpkin picking
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A Day With the Dunn's
Sunday after the family left, I had to rush home & get ready to go see some friends that came up from Maryland. Grasshoppa & her boyfriend {Bryan} were coming over to pick us up & take us to our friends' house. They were celebrating their son's 2nd Birthday & their daughter's Dedication. It was nice to spend time with the Dunn family.
Everyone had a good time, the food was great, the music was perfect {thanks to Recy's taste in excellent music} & her family was very welcoming.
We need to get together again...
Siempre Moe at 10/04/2007 10:41:00 AM 0 comentarios
Friday, September 28, 2007
Family From Florida For The Weekend
so last night my family from West Palm Beach came over for the weekend. we are all crashing @ my mother's house for the weekend & Rodney {older brother} is staying over @ my house. we were going to split everyone between both houeses but there really is no room for that many people to crash. I have a queen size bed...like I said "I have a queen size bed", that means I am not giving up my bed for no one {only my parents}, Lala has a twin & my Dad brought me an airbed a few years ago. so as you can read, no room @ my place. it's nice though cause it's all females in one spot for the weekend just bonding.
I had to be @ work today so I can't taken them around the city until tomorrow. but my cousin Kelia is smart & I have given her directions to the tee as to how to get around and which corners to turn. told her to call me @ work as many times as she has to if she needs to ask me anything. tonight they will be dining @ Sylvia's in Harlem {smart ass Bill O'Reilly-he needs to have his mouth washed out w/soap..you'll understand if you went to Catholic School like his dumb ass}. after that it's whatever but not for me & Lala, as I have said before my Pooka has Communion class on Saturdays from 10:00-11:30 am & she is a pain to wake-up in the morning if she didn't get enough sleep.
I am working on what we should do tomorrow afternoon but that is entirely up to them. i know that they are going to see The Color Purple @ 8 pm & Lala & I will be @ the movie watching "The Game Plan". After that I have no idea..maybe dinner. I'll have to search the net on what tourist should do while in NYC, the City that never sleeps.
Siempre Moe at 9/28/2007 10:55:00 AM 0 comentarios
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Autumn Is Coming
Call me crazy but my two {2} favorite seasons are Spring & Fall.
Spring, the leaves are starting to come in & the air is nice & crisp. Good times to enjoy a day in the park or just hang around the City of New York. Except for the showers, that just puts a damper on your whole day. Feel bad for the people of Seattle, my brother used to want to live there & I always told him that I would never visit him. HATE carrying an umbrella but I like buying nice ones {told u I was crazy}.
Fall is beautiful, the leaves start to change colors & the ground looks so pretty with a ray of colors from the leaves {Thank God I don't own a home, cause I would have to rake everyday}. Love the weather cause it's not too cold nor too hot, as long as I have my jacket, scarf & leather gloves then all is good for a day in the street. Also, cannot forget apple & pumpkin picking-fun things to do with your kids.
Plan on taking Lala to a farm in Queens where you can go apple picking in early to mid October & pumpkin the week of Halloween till I believe mid November.
Siempre Moe at 9/18/2007 10:06:00 AM 0 comentarios
Labels: Seasons
Monday, September 17, 2007
Communion Class
Lala started Communion classes on Saturday, which means that she is getting old & I need to have another child because neither one of us are getting any yonger.
Classes are from 10:00-11:30 am, of course my child had to be the one to start her shit early in the morning. This was our conversation:
Me: Lala, hurry up & get dressed we have to be there @ 10:00.
Lala: Why? I'm not going, I want to stay home & watch cartoons.
Me: Yes, you are. And you're going because Abuelita said you have to go, if it was up to me you can stay home for all I care.
Lala: I don't want to go & Abuelita is not here, she's in Santo Domingo, don't tell her.
Me: Impossible. She will know that you didn't go to Communion class.
Lala: How? Like I said she don't live here. She is in Santo Domingo.
Me: Look, I know where my mother is.
Communion is like Kindergarden, you go to class & when you finish you graduate, except with Communion it's in a church & you have to wear a white dress like I did. Remember my picture in Abuelita's house?
Lala: Yea, then I want a crown because Daddy said I am a princess.
Me: Fine, whateva..don't care cause I'm not the one buying the dress or the crown. Call your Grandmother & tell her you want a crown with the dress for Communion.
As we are walking to the church, Lala has a serious face & starts to cry.
Me: Why are you crying? There is no need to cry, I didn't whoop your ass so stop crying.
Lala: I don't want to go, I want to go home.
Me: You are starting to piss me off & it's only 9:54 in the morning. Look, if you don't like the class today then you call your Grandmother & tell her that you don't want to go. You always say you don't want to go somewhere & then you end up not wanting to leave or wanting to go back.
Lala: Ooh no. I don't want to go, I want to watch TV or go to sleep.
Me: Whateva. This conversation is over. You are going to Communion class & then we will talk later. Wipe your face & stop crying all the time. You are not a baby.
Lala: I'm not crying & I'm not a baby. I am 8 yrs. old.
Me: You don't act like it.
We finally get to the church & I noticed that some of the parents are still hanging around, so I asked the janitor if it's alright for the parents to stay. He said that they don't have a problem with the parents sticking around. So I just sat in the back of the auditorium listening to everything that my child was learning.
It felt weird cause all I kept thinking about was being in Catholic School in the 3rd grade & learning the same stuff. And to see my child taking this class was so surreal.
After class was over, the priest came over to introduce himself to us & spoke to us about what to expect for the coming year. This is the conversation while on our way home.
Lala: I had fun. I learned about God & Jesus & I already know all my prayers. When is Communion? I want my crown.
Me: It doesn't work that way kid, you have to go every Saturday until May. Then there is another year of the same thing. You have to go to church on Sunday mornings.
Lala: Ok, fine. I like my teacher & my new friend. What's her name?
Me: That's nice, I thought you said you didn't want to go & I have no idea what your friend's name is. You need to ask her next week.
Lala: I am going to call Abuelita when we get home, right now I am going to play in the park, ok.
Me: Yea, sure. Whateva..make it quick cause we have to go shopping.
Siempre Moe at 9/17/2007 12:35:00 PM 1 comentarios
Labels: Communion Class
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Lala's 1st Day Back To School
Lala finally went back to school & once again there are more boys then girls in the class. This year, only 5 girls {including Lala} in the class & the lucky thing is that 2 out of the 4 girls were already her friends from last year. As for the boys in her class, most of them were in her class last year or she knew them from afterschool.
She likes her new teacher & is super excited about being in 2nd grade. As for her afterschool program, she is so happy. She likes her new teachers & her friends from afterschool. I hope that this year is going to be just as good as last year maybe even better. I am so glad that Vincent transferred Lala to the school by his house. It's such a better choice & the environment is so different from the one she used to attend in Brooklyn. And I love the fact that she is only 15 mins. away from NYU, it makes taking her to school & picking her up so much easier for me. I especially love the afterschool program, this Thursday & Friday there is no school due to the Jewish holiday but her afterschool is available from 8:00-5:30. All I have to do is pay $25.00 for each day she attends O.S.T.
The O.S.T. program is great when there are no classes, the kids have lots of fun. They take them on trips {movies, the pool, Chucky E. Cheese} & they even have a carnival during their Easter Break.
Siempre Moe at 9/11/2007 01:20:00 PM 1 comentarios
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thank You Jesus I am Back
Siempre Moe at 9/10/2007 11:51:00 AM 0 comentarios
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Quote for Thought
Siempre Moe at 8/23/2007 01:36:00 PM 0 comentarios
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pretty Little Pink Lamp
last night I went to Home Depot to buy 2 flashlights for Mommy & ended up buying Lala a lamp {she needed one}. At first I was just looking @ lamps & then this one lamp caught my eye. I just loved the shape & color of it, once I got closer & read that it was a 3-way setting I knew I had to buy it.
So I started writing the informatio down on my Blackberry so that once I got back from DR, I would buy the lamp. Half way into writing, I noticed that there was only one lamp left. I was upset because I have the worst luck, if I see certain things I have to buy it because if not it will not be around later or it will be on backorder for quite sometime.
Of course, I had to charge it because I just couldn't wait till later.
Siempre Moe at 8/22/2007 09:08:00 AM 1 comentarios
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Almost Ready
so I spoke to my daughter yesterday afternoon & she reminded me that I only have 4 more days till I see. She is looking forward to picking me up from the airport on Friday. I cannot wait to see, haven't seen her since the 23rd of June & I am dying to see her. Can't wait to pinch her cheeks {she hates that, but I love cheecks}, give her a big hug & my favorite sleep next to her. Everytime she sleeps next to me, I just stare @ her for hours & trace her whole face. Just wondering where the time has gone & how big she has gotten. Also, I get to pinch her cheeks while she's asleep w/out her telling me to leave her alone & to stop it.
So many things that I want to do, that I wish I were there already. I miss my Mommy {pinch her cheeks as well, she hates that} want to give her a big hug & a kiss, walk my dogs over to the river so that they can play around & throw the frisbee w/them, go to the bars & clubs w/my cousins & friends, take Lala to the beach & to get her hair done cause I promised her & there is an 11-day festival in town :-D that will be so much fun.
The best part of this trip is that no one knows that I am going out there. Everyone but 3 people think that I will not be able to make it this summer due to work. No one is expecting me, so it will be fun to see everyone's face when they see me or hear that I am in town. Might have to walk around with my camera so that I can capture the look & post it.
Siempre Moe at 8/21/2007 03:21:00 PM 0 comentarios
Friday, August 17, 2007
One Week Left Baby
Mira, how beautiful the beaches are out there...Next Friday, I will be on a plane home to see my Pooka, family & friends. Plan on taking tons of pictures while I am out there. I am planning a little surprise for my mother & my Tia with the pictures.

Siempre Moe at 8/17/2007 05:33:00 PM 0 comentarios
Labels: DR, La Familia
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Another Favorite Quote
I even have it posted on myspace: www.myspace.com/straw_berri6
Siempre Moe at 8/15/2007 09:43:00 AM 0 comentarios
Labels: Quote
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Another WNBA Game
and this time I went with Vincent & Vicky {cousin}. We had a really good time & NY Liberty won 85-84. It was a really close game, Liberty was on their game when it came to their 3 point shots. The Detroit Shocks--will that's another story, they were kind of sloppy throughout the game but they always manage to catch up & tie the game. NY Liberty had the house on fire with the last shot, the ball hot the rim, bounced back in the air & then came down & into the net. I thought she had missed the shot until, I noticed that the house was in a uproar cheering. Vincent & Vicky were happy & cheering, then I saw the replay & realized that she made the shot & that Detroit Shocks lost by 1-point.
Siempre Moe at 8/14/2007 01:56:00 PM 0 comentarios
Labels: WNBA
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Got Lala a Nintendo DS Lite, But
I don't know if I want to send it to her.. For the past couple of days,
I really want to keep it until I get to DR then give it to her. But we made a deal, she kept to her bargain of it. The deal was that is she took care of my mother while she was sick instead of complaining and wanting to go outside to hang out or go to the river then she would get a DS. Of course, my child {ole little wise one} has given me a daily report on all the things that she has done around the house to help out & stay out of trouble.

Siempre Moe at 8/08/2007 10:50:00 AM 1 comentarios
Labels: games
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I really need to move because everyday it just seems to get worse. My damn neighbor is the worst person I have ever met. This bitch wakes up every morning bitching about the people in the building & screaming out their business in her apartment. At times, she doesn't have a time..whenever she is pissed she lets it out @ different hours. Lately, she has chosen to be my alarm clock of drama. I thought that I cursed a lot till I met her & to top it all of she is a pastor @ her church. That's right folks, she is a pastor & she even screams that she prays for most of the people in the building to die. The luckly thing is that she lives alone cause I don't know anyone who can stomach to live with her. The only time she is not screaming/yelling is when her man/grandkids are over/when she's not home.
I am tried of screaming back to her to shut the fuck up, slapping the wall, calling 311 for Noise Control & calling Housing. 311 is a joke by the way, I have called the Noise Control Dept. and all they do is take down the compliant & then send a police over to speak to her. The bullshit is that by the time the police come to handle the situation, it is 2-4 hours after I placed the call. I have even called Housing & spoke with my Housing Assitant, she said that she has spoke to her & has informed her that people on the 18th floor are complaining about her behavior. Trust me when I say that all of my neighbors can hear her when she is on a rampage. The walls in my building are hallow & that my dear friends is the worst part.
The people that live underneath her are also tired of hearing her shit. One morning, my neighbor & I were talking in the elevator about her bullshiting @ 5:30 in the morning. All of a sudden this guy was asking us what floor we live on & once we told him, it was over. I finally met the people that live underneath her & he doesn't understand what all the commotion is with her & why she's crazy.
I say the bitch needs to move out of the projects like I told her once if she is fed up with the filth. I also told her ass that the reason she's still living in the proojects is because she's not going to get a 1-bedroom apartment anywhere like hers for the price she is paying. She needs to deal with the filth, the broken elevators, & all the shit that goes on in & around the hood is she's going to continue to live in the hood.
I still need to move, I love my apartment but somethings gotta give...so I am saving money & looking for a 2 bedroom apartment. Wish me luck, my fellow internet friends.
Siempre Moe at 8/02/2007 02:08:00 PM 0 comentarios
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
WNBA Game--Liberty v Sun
Siempre Moe at 7/31/2007 11:32:00 AM 0 comentarios
Labels: WNBA
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Lesley, Don't Leave.....
I have a wonderful boss & I am sad today because it is her last day here @ NYU & in NY. She has decided to move back to VA to be with her family & she will be the new Director of the Medical School in VA. We all wish her lots of luck, success & happiness.
What I will miss the most is our Friday morning chats about Grey's Anatomy. We are HUGE fans of the show, every Friday morning, we need to discuss what happended on the show..Very enlighting I must say.
But over all, she is the sweetest person to know, very caring & a joy to work for. Everyday is a learning experience, she's not a fan of country music or Nickleback & I keep trying to pursuade her that they are a really good band. Finally, she does like one of there songs {If Everyone Cared} only because of the lyrics. Still I tell her that there is hope after all :-)
Everyday since we have known that she was leaving, my co-worker & I have express to her that we feel she should stay & that she should rethink it. She of course has & is still leaving. We have been joking with her about packing, unpacking, she's told us about her new apartment & the hook-ups that come with it & that it's a lot cheaper then what she was paying here in the City, her brand new VW & that the color is Titanium not grey.
Today the Law School is going to have a Farewell Party for her from 2-4 pm. Lots of pastries, food, drinks, hugs, speeches, & goodbyes :-(
Thank You Lesley for giving me an opportunity to work with you, I am really grateful for everything. Wish only the best for you in VA....
Siempre Moe at 7/26/2007 10:38:00 AM 0 comentarios
Labels: A Moment
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My Pooka Was Sick
Siempre Moe at 7/25/2007 10:00:00 AM 0 comentarios
Labels: sick
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
On My Way To Worcester, MA
so friday night, i am near the damn toll & all i need is another 10 miles till i get to my dad's & wouldn't you know it we end up with a flat & have to pull over & wait for another bus. later the driver tells us that we have to wait @ least 30-45 mins., maybe an hour for another bus. so we wait, then the driver announces that we have to wait for a tow truck to fix the flat cause there were no buses available. @ 11:15 pm the tow truck arrives and he can't fix it because the bus lost some part of the tire a few miles back, so the driver had to dispatch the station & see if they can send us a bus. i call my dad & explain the situation & he tells me to call him once i get on Mass Pike. so that he can meet me @ the bus station. did i mention that i was starving & hadn't eaten a thing since my lunch hour @ noon & it's almost midnight.
oh & btw, i had a peaceful time & got all my errands done
love my daddy aka mista to pieces
Siempre Moe at 7/24/2007 02:32:00 PM 1 comentarios
Labels: Mista
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Dinner With Harvey & Melly
Last night, I had dinner with my very good friend Harvey :-) and we went to RUB {Righteous Urban BBQ} on W. 23rd bet. 7th & 8th Streets. I recommend this spot especially for those who love BBQ food.
The meat was seasoned just right and the BBQ sauce is really good. My favorite is the cornbread {yummy} soft and buttery.
I always look forward to my get togethers with Harvey, always enjoyable. Best campion to hang out with, gotta see what movie he wants to see. We haven't done that in awhile.
Tuesday evening I had dinner with Melly, we went to an Italian spot L'Allegria {9th Avenue, corner of 44th Street}. Love the Fettucine w/Alfredo Sauce & Shrimp.
A little note, Mel hates The Olive Garden :-() so of course, I always suggest that we go there for Italian food-we never go of course.
Siempre Moe at 7/12/2007 02:25:00 PM 1 comentarios
Friday, June 29, 2007
Fiesta A Noche
So last night was the first time I went out since Lala has left to DR. Had a wonderful time seeing friends that I hadn't seen in awhile. My good friend Jeanine {green dress & nicknamed Kiki Lolo} had a little farewell in her honor last night. I am proud to write that she is leaving UBS and will be going for her Masters @ Harvard University. I wish her lots of luck & plenty of success cause she deserves it.
Siempre Moe at 6/29/2007 12:21:00 PM 0 comentarios
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Yes, I Am A Punk...There I Finally Owned Up To It
So yesterday evening was not a good evening for me...There was thunder, lightening, and rain. I HATE thunderstorms and being home alone is not cool for me..at least I had my pillow to hold onto :-()
I couldn't sleep well @ all, kept tossing and turning and now this morning I am feeling the pain in my back. Feels like I slept on top of rocks---if you never layed on rocks before then you would know {don't try it cause it's a bitch the next day}.
Another thing, we had a power outage in the Bronx & on the Upper East Side for about 50 mins. Didn't know till my little brother called me from Florida to see if I was alright, then I saw the news...Guess I need to get some candles, matches, water and stock up on can food. Ahh, feels like being back home in DR...except over there I have family & friends around me to past the time.
Siempre Moe at 6/28/2007 09:20:00 AM 1 comentarios
Monday, June 25, 2007
Lala has Left the Country

We got to the airport @ 4:40 am and check-in is off the hook, for unaccompany minors {UNM}..we did not have to wait on line, just fill out the form and go straight to check-in, I get a temp/ boarding pass which allows me to stay w/Lala till she boards the plane. Bought her some fruit and a bottle water and by 5:45 am she was checked in and was boarding the plane. Everyone boarded the plane by 6:15 am and off @ exactly 6:30 am. I called my mother to let her know that Lala was on the plane and that she lands @ 10:15 am {maybe earlier}. After that I have to wait 30 mins. after the plane has taken off to go home. Got home made some breakfast and went straight to bed. Woke up @ 10:23 am and waited a few mins. before calling Mommy to see if she had Lala. By 10:45 am, my mother had Lala and off they went to the supermarket and then home. My poor mother lost her keys and the damn car broke down 2 towns away from the house. They had to take a motorcycle to my Aunt's house and then waited for someone to pick them up and take the suitcase and them home.
Siempre Moe at 6/25/2007 04:13:00 PM 2 comentarios
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Countdown Has Started
Lord, bless my child for she is one smart & funny cookie... So as I have mentioned earlier this month my Pooka is leaving for vacation soon. Lala has officially started her countdown & I don't see the humor in it @ all. My Dad said I now know how she felt in the past when I was the one doing the countdown. To be honest, it sucks & I have promised to never do it again.
So hear goes this brief moment of the infamous countdown:
Sunday was Father's Day & I was trying to call Mister {my Dad's nickname} he was not home. I call my little brother to wish him a Happy Father's Day & he tells me that he called Dad & that was no answer & that he tried called the cell phone as well. So anyway, my Stepmother calls me back on my cell phone & we are speaking {random conversation} all of a sudden Lala pops into my room & over hears the conversation about me packing her bags & in the background all you hear is Lala saying "yes, 6 more days & I am outta here.. {singing} I am going to Santo Domingo, I am leaving"...my Stepmother was in tears with laughter, we both found it funny.
All I can say is that this child is ready to leave the country & enjoy her vacation. She leaves this Saturday & her flight is @ 6:30 am and already the girl is invited to her cousin's birthday party on Sunday.
Dominican Republic get ready cause here comes Ms. Lala the Diva
Siempre Moe at 6/19/2007 06:01:00 PM 0 comentarios
Friday, June 8, 2007
Can't Believe She's Leaving Me Again
and this time, I am not the happy one and the tables have turned. Lala is getting excited as the days go by and with each passing day, I get a little sad. We all know that I talk shit when I say that I am selling her or that I am happy that she is leaving to Santo Domingo for the summer. To be honest, she took the fun out of it cause now she is sooo looking forward to leaving and hanging out with Abuelita and her cousins.
I am still in the process of getting all of her stuff together and it just seems that each year, I plan early and for some damn reason everything is done @ the last minute. Planning is starting to suck maybe I am losing my touch of organizing things.
Ooh my baby, I am going to miss her a lot. I am trying to tell myself that this summer I will make sure that I am out and about...anything from staying @ home and standing in front of her bedroom doorway {fyi: I never go into her bedroom when she's away, makes me sad}. I am going to make sure that I enjoy this summer better then the last two. I have to outdo the summer before just so that the time can go by quickly. At least I'm working so that takes up most of my days and having dinner w/friends during the week is even more helpful.
Don't get me wrong, I do like to stay home every now and again to enjoy the SILENCE. We all know that Lala is a little diva and is always singing, talking, dancing and all over the place. But me, I like the house to be quiet and read a good book. My new summer reading is going to be Uncle Tom's Cabin {huge book, never knew that} hopefully I'll be done by my birthday {11/06}. I am in the middle of reading a book now {Two Little Girls In Blue} and have another lined up after that one {Beach Road}.
Siempre Moe at 6/08/2007 11:31:00 AM 0 comentarios